The Evolution of Data Protection
The Evolution of Data Protection Time: April 19, 2:00 Meeting room: FIT 1-415 Speaker: Windsor Hsu, CTO of Data Domain Abstract: The last few years has seen tremendous disruptions in the way data is b...
The Evolution of Data Protection Time: April 19, 2:00 Meeting room: FIT 1-415 Speaker: Windsor Hsu, CTO of Data Domain Abstract: The last few years has seen tremendous disruptions in the way data is b...
Title:Scaling Microblogging Services with Divergent Traffic Demands Time:10:00-11:00 AM, April 10, 2012 Location:FIT 4-502 Speaker:Prof. Xiaoming Fu Abstract:Today's microblogging services such as Twi...
Title:Optimizing Emerging Multimedia Algorithms on Multi-core CPUs Time:10:00-11:00 AM, April 10, 2012 Location:FIT 1-515 Speaker:Prof. Yen Kuang Chen, IEEE Fellow Abstract:Multi-core processors are ...
Title: Scaling addressing spaces and improving integer security in Linux Time: 15:10 - 17:00, March 27th Meeting Room: FIT 1-312 Speaker: Frans Kaashoek and Nickolai Zeldovich (MIT CSAIL) Abstract: We...
Title: Enhance Your Log for Fun and Profit Speaker: Prof. Yuanyuan Zhou,Qualcomm Chair Professor at UC-San Diego Time: July 8,2011 10:00 AM Place: FIT 1-315 Abstract: Diagnosing software failures in ...
计算机科学与技术系百年校庆名师讲坛 题目:高性能多核和众核处理机芯片技术的发展 主讲人:李三立院士 时间:2011年4月21日下午2:30-4:00 地点:环境学院报告厅 摘要: 千万亿次/秒 (Petaflops) 的高性能计算机必须...
Title: ScalaExtrap: Trace-Based Communication Extrapolation for SPMD Programs Speaker: Frank Mueller, Professor, North Carolina State University Time: Dec. 13, 14:30-16:00 Venue: FIT 1-315, Tsinghua U...
Title: Query and Data Security for the Database-as-a-Service Model Speaker: Feifei Li, Assistant Professor, Florida State University Time: July 23, 2010 10:00AM Place: East Main Building 10-101 Abstr...