Title: BitBlaze: Security via Binary Analysis &WebBlaze: New Techniques Tools for Web Security Speaker:Dawn Song,Department of ElectricalEngineering Computer Science at University of California,Berk...
a Title: System-Level Performance Considerations Under the Peak Temperature Constraint Speaker:Xiaobo Sharon Hu, professor in the department of Computer ScienceEngineering at the University of Notr...
Title: QoS-Driven Service Composition with ReconfigurableServices Speaker:Prof. I-Ling Yen Professor of Computer Science, University of Texas at Dallas Time: 2010年6月8日(周二) 15:00-17:00 Venue: ...
Title:Neural mechanism of ive attention: Unifying three different perspectives Speaker:Prof. Xiao-Jing Wang, Department of Neurobiology Kavli Institute for Neuroscience Director of Swartz Program ...
Title:Seminar: Pattern-match decision making categorization: what can Machine Vision learn from Neuroscience Speaker: Xiao-Jing Wang Department of Neurobiology Kavli Institute for Neuroscience, Direct...
Title: Energy (Battery)-Efficient Kernel-Based SVM Classification Speaker: Professor S.Y. Kung (贡三元教授) Princeton University (美国普林斯顿大学) Time: 5月28日(周五)上午10:00 --11:00 Venue...
Title:Application-Optimized Processor Cores Massive Multi-Core Clusters Speaker: Chris Rowen, Ph.D. CTO, Tensilica INC. Time: May 28, 13:30, 2010 Venue: FIT 1-312 Contact: Youhui ZHANG (zyh02@tsinghu...
主讲人简介: Frans Kaashoek,麻省理工学院终身教授、美国工程院院士,研究方向为操作系统、网络、编译以及分布式体系结构,从1993年起加入该校计算机科学与人工智能实验室。 演讲时间:2010年 5月26日(周三)上午...
Title: Discovering New Knowledge from the Internet Speaker:Jie Wang,Department of Computer Science, University of Massachusetts, Lowell Time: May 26,2010 15:00-17:00 Venue: FIT 1-312 Abstract: A l...