The institute of computer networks actively carries out the research on fundamental theories, key technologies and applications on the next generation Internet, especially the architecture of next generation Internet, network transmission control and performance evaluation, high-performance IPv4/IPv6 core routers, routing and switching, QoS control, computer supported cooperative work (CSCW), wireless networking, cryptographic algorithm, security protocol, information hiding and watermarking technology, quantum cryptography, intrusion detection and prevention, and other theories and technologies. Main research directions include:
Next Generation Internet:next generation Internet architecture, IPv6 protocol and IPv4/IPv6 network transition mechanism, trustable network and source address validation, and wireless Internet.
Computer Network Performance Evaluation and QoS Control:Petri-Net model theory and analyzing technologies, network transmission control, connectionless network QoS control, computer network queuing model and integrated evaluation of network QoS.
Internet Routing and Switching:large-scale network addressing, scalability/self -healing and security of Internet routing, high-speed switching technology, network processor technology, high-performance IPv4/IPv6 router architecture and key technologies.
Significant Applications of Computer Networks:online admission system for national higher education, computer management system for further education online enrollment.
Information Security of Computer Networks:cryptographic algorithm, secret key management, cryptography security analysis, information hiding and digital watermarking, network security system and key technologies.