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Institute of High Performance Computing (IHPC)

Oct 29, 2020 10:29

IHPC have been long engaged in the research on parallel and distributed computing, network storage and so on. Main research directions include:

High-performance Computer System:high-performance chip technology, architecture of high-performance computer system, resource scheduling and allocation technology, system high-availability technology, research and development of software and hardware for high-performance computer system.

Performance Evaluation of High-Performance Computer:rapid obtainment of parallel programs' communication characteristics, high-accuracy simulator of parallel programs, computer system evaluation methods, program performance prediction methods, software and hardware fault location in computer systems, system-wide simulation of high-performance computer.

Network Storage:global storage modeling, data exchange and synchronization mechanisms, management technology on resource virtual storage, data high-reliability technology, parallel file system, replica management technology, and mass network storage system.

Parallel and Distributed Computing:grid computing, cloud computing, resource virtualization technology, distributed resource management, architecture and method on disaster recovery, security of distributed system, numerical simulation of the earth system, optimization of parallel algorithm, system, resource scheduling and allocation technology, system high-availability technology, research and development of distributed application system with computing, data, software etc.

