Computer Systems

Computer system is a fundamental research area in computer science, concerning the ways of building real computer systems to solve real world problems. Our research focuses on performance and availability of computer systems.

The research work in this research area mainly includes the following 4 directions: parallel and high performance computers, distributed systems, storage systems and programming systems. This area has been funded by many high level projects of the National Basic Research Program, the National High Technique Program, NSFC, and multinational companies such as INTEL, Microsoft, IBM, HP, Google, and HUAWEI. We have published a number of high-quality papers in high-level international journals and the top international conferences (such as PPoPP, EuroSys, SC, PACT, OOPSLA, HPDC and ICS).

In addition to the publications, we have built many real systems such as the Explorer series cluster computers, storage systems TH-MSNS, the grid computer middleware CGSP, debugger and checkpoint tools for MPI applications. We are an active contributor of the open source Open64 compiler and open sourced a few software packages such as high fidelity MPI simulator and GPU programming tool MapCG.
