2020-至今 122cc太阳集成游戏智能产业研究院 院长/讲席教授
2014-2019百度在线网络技术有限公司 总裁
1999-2014微软公司全球资深副总裁、微软(中国) 有限公司董事长
1994-1998美国普林斯顿Multimedia Technology Laboratory Sarnoff Corp Director
1990-1994美国GTE实验室 研究员
张亚勤博士研发领域涉及人工智能、云计算、移动及嵌入式、互联网服务和新兴市场等,他创立了微软中国研究院,后于2001年升级为微软亚洲研究院,负责统领微软全球移动通信及嵌入式产品业务。张亚勤博士共发表588篇学术论文,62项美国专利,13本专著(含合著),H-index 75,25000余次引用,获得多项国际学术和行业大奖,IEEE最佳论文奖4次,世界经济论坛达沃斯“未来交通指导委员会”委员、9项权威学术期刊如IEEE Tran. Video Technology主编,近十所国际顶尖大学荣誉/客座教授/校董/顾问委员。
1.W Yao, J Ostermann, YQ Zhang*. Video processing and communications, Beijing: Publishing House of Electronics Industry, 2003.
2. D Wu, YT Hou, W Zhu, YQ Zhang*, JM Peha. Streaming video over the Internet: approaches and directions, IEEE Transactions on circuits and systems for video technology 11 (3), 282-300, 2001.
3. T Chiang, YQ Zhang*. A new rate control scheme using quadratic rate distortion model, IEEE Transactions on circuits and systems for video technology 7 (1), 246-250, 1997.
4. HJ Lee, T Chiang, YQ Zhang*. Scalable rate control for MPEG-4 video, IEEE transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology 10 (6), 878-894,2000.
5. D Wu, YT Hou, YQ Zhang*.Transporting real-time video over the Internet: Challenges and approaches, Proceedings of the IEEE 88 (12), 1855-1877, 2000.
6. Dong Liu, Xiaoyan Sun, Feng Wu, Ya-Qin Zhang*. Edge-Oriented Uniform Intra Prediction, IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 11/2008.
7. Qian Zhang, Ya-Qin Zhang*. Cross-Layer Design for QoS Support in Multihop Wireless Networks, Proceedings of the IEEE 02/2008.
8. Shiwen Mao, Y.T. Hou, Xiaolin Cheng, H.D. Sherali, S.F. Midkiff, Ya-Qin Zhang*. On Routing for Multiple Description Video Over Wireless Ad Hoc Networks, IEEE Transactions on Multimedia 11/2006.
9. Dong Liu, Xiaoyan Sun, Feng Wu, Shipeng Li, Ya-Qin Zhang*. Image Compression With Edge-Based Inpainting, IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology 11/2007.
10. W. Kumwilaisak, Y.T. Hou, Qian Zhang, Wenwu Zhu, C.-C.J. Kuo, Ya-Qin Zhang*. A cross-Layer quality-of-service mapping architecture for video delivery in wireless networks, IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications 01/2004.