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2010.01.10 00:00

讲座时间 汇报人

Title: MAAEMO: Modeling,Architecture,and Applications for Emerging Memory technologies

Meeting Room: FIT 1-315,Tsinghua University

Time: Jan 15, 15:00-17:00

Speaker: Dr. Yuan Xie, Associate Professor in Computer Science and Engineering department at the Pennsylvania State University


In recent years, we have seen aggressive R&D progress in emerging memory technologies, e.g., Phase-Change RAM (PCRAM) and Magnetic RAM (MRAM). By combing the speed of SRAM, the density ot DRAM, and the non-volatility of Flash memory, these emerging memory technologies demonstrated a great potential to be the candidates for future memory hierarchy design.

As such emerging memory technologies are getting mature, Architecture designers ask many questions for better utilizing them to improve the performance/power /reliabilily of future computing systems. For example, how to model such emerging memory technologies? What will be the impacts on the future memory hierarchy? What are the research challenges to overcome for such a new memory hierarchy? What will be the novel applicalions/architectures with emerging memory technologies? This talk presents the MAAEM0 project in my group, with some preliminary results to answer the above questions.


Yuan Xie is Associate Professor in Computer Science and Engineering department at the Pennsylvania State University. He received Ph.D. degrees From Princeton University. Before joining Penn State, he was with IBM Microelectronic Division. He has published 20+ iournal papers and 80+ conference papers in the area of EDA, Architecture and VLSI circuit designs. He was a recipient of the SRC Inventor Recognition Award in 2002, he was a recipient of NSF CAREER award in 2006, IBM Faculty Award in 2008. He also received a few Best Paper Award and Best Paper Award Nominations in a few prestigious conferences. He is currently Associate Editor of IEEE TVLSI, IEEE TCAD, IEEE Design & Test of Computers, ACM Journal of Emerging Technologies, and IET Computers and Digital Techniques.

Title: Flash Research Platform:A hardware/software platform for Non-Volatile Storage Research

Speaker: Dr. Lintao Zhang, researcher in Microsoft Research


Solid State Storage Devices are poised to greatly change the computer storage architecture. To leverage this new generation of storage devices, a flexible environment is needed to quickly carry out experiments in both the hardware and software. In this talk, I discuss an experimental plalform we built in MSR called Flash Research Plattorm. I'll discuss the architecture of the platform and possible research directions enabled by it.


Dr. Lintao Zhang has worked as a researcher in Microsoft Research for over six years, previously at the Silicon Valley Lab, and now at the Asia Lab in Beijing. He has worked on a variety of research topics. including hardware and computer architecture,distributed systems, security,and formal verification. Dr. Zhang has received some recognitions for his research work, including the Computer Aided Verification (CAV) Award for his contribution to formal verification, IEEE SIGDA Best Thesis Award for his PhD work, and several best paper awards in top conferences. Dr. Zhang earned his Ph.D. from Princeton University, and his B.S. from Peking University.

