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State Key Laboratory of Intelligent Technology and Systems

Oct 29, 2020 10:29

The state key laboratory of intelligent technology and systems studies the fundamental issues in information exchange, processing, understanding, and utilization, from semantic, syntax, and application three levels, together with cognitive and system science, aiming to obtain a series of high-level theoretical results. We focus on language, texts, images, video processing and intelligent robot fields by combining fundamentals, key technologies and application together, striving to achieve technological innovation and complete task that might bring significant benefit to national economic and defense. Besides, we also explore the methodology and technology of future information processing, and carry out prospective research in quantum information processing fields. Main research directions include:

Theory and Methodology of Intelligent Information Processing:intelligent information processing for large-scale multi-model web content; information security; information retrieval; knowledge mining; natural language processing; multimedia information processing; signal processing; interdisciplinary study of neural, cognitive sciences and intelligent information processing.

Intelligent Control Theory and Applications:intelligent system, intelligent modeling and control theory of non-linear system with multiple time scales and distributed parameter systems; modeling, control and application of both aerial robots and space robots; theory and application of mobile robots, autonomous/unmanned vehicles and service robots; advanced manufacture technologies and equipment.

Theoretical computer science:fundamental theories of artificial intelligence; theory, methodology and application of machine learning; formal methods; quantum computing and quantum information; theory of quantum software.

